For over 35 years we at Xtrac have been putting our customers and our staff above all else. Given the Coronavirus COVID-19 global outbreak I wanted to let you know what Xtrac is doing and update you on our most recent initiatives since my first communication on 22nd March. Our aim is to ensure that our business continues to operate and provide our customers with products and services during this challenging time, whilst keeping our staff safe.
The Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak and government & policy maker’s reaction to it evolves daily, and we will continue to be guided by the UK Government in order to minimise the risk to Xtrac UK employees, and the US Government in order to minimise the risk to Xtrac US employees. Following this advice, we introduced a significant number of mitigation policies:
- Any member of staff who displays even mild symptoms of a shortness of breath, loss or change in sense of smell, a high temperature and/or a new, continuous cough will stay at home and avoid all but essential contact with others.
- Social distancing advice given to all staff is as follows:
- Avoid contact with somebody who is displaying symptoms of Coronavirus COVID-19, including shortness of breath, loss or change in sense of smell, a high temperature and/or a new and continuous cough.
- Avoid all non-essential use of public transport.
- Avoid large gatherings and gatherings in smaller public spaces and gatherings with friends and family, and follow the UK Government advice on social distancing and travel.
- Staff who have an underlying health condition or are pregnant are to follow the above measures and also significantly limit their face-to-face interactions with friends and family.
- Implemented at Xtrac:
- Hand cleaning policy with sufficient quantities of soap, and with sanitiser distributed around the facility.
- 2m social distancing at all times, and PPE provided where the job role does not allow this, with mandatory use in specified areas.
- Temperature check <37.5 Deg C for 100% of people entering the building.
- Visitor policy which prohibits all non-critical visits and ensures that any visitor complies with the UK government guidelines.
- Separate changing and welfare room outside of the main building for all visiting contractors
- Essential visits by Xtrac staff to be authorised only after completion of a COVID-19 risk assessment by the host, supplemented by a visit checklist.
- No handshaking.
- No hardcopy document sharing unless essential.
- One-way system throughout the building to minimise close interactions with clear markings.
- No food deliveries to Xtrac, except for vending machines which are re-stocked ‘out of hours’.
- One-in-one-out policy for the staff kitchenette users, and a socially distant table arrangement in the canteen.
- Minimise internal meetings and number of people in the meetings.
- Home-working where the job role permits.
- Multiple staggered start & finish times to minimise social contact for all staff including the factory day and night shift.
- Additional regular disinfectant cleaning of communal areas and restroom facilities.
- Compulsory mask wearing for all staff entering and leaving the building, in communal areas and when not located in their normal workspace.
- Compulsory mask wearing for all visitors at all times – note, for certain situations where a visitor is working in a single area (for example carrying out essential maintenance on a machine) and they are socially distant from any Xtrac staff, then the wearing of masks by that specific visitor in that location can be relaxed at the discretion of the local manager.
We have remained open for business throughout the Coronavirus COVID-19 global outbreak and intend to remain so whilst following any relevant UK Government requirements. We have a clear strategy in place to adapt quickly to the ever-changing situation and will continue to strive to provide the highest level of customer service in what is now the new normal.
Most importantly, I wish all our customers, staff and their families well. We are all in this together and we will get through it together. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Adrian Moore
Chief Executive Officer
T: +44 1635 293844
M: +44 777595 3512